It's 2009...we all are moving ahead, sometimes running out of time and running behind time...
I'm feeling suddenly so lost as if 2008 was a cloud and that cloud is over from over my eyes.
Now I see reality, reality clearly, kind of still not sure.
I want to break free. I wanna live in a world of security. I don't know what will happen, I mean I can't even anticipate. Particularly 'how' will things happen. I see many hurdles, doubts, I need help ? self-help...
It's good to write it here though. An artist's life, I have chosen to be former. I know I m strong but am I strong enough ? I want to cry right now to feel like a blog like this didn't exist ever and thoughts like these never came to my mind.
But I know I'm so anxious about certain things. whyyyyyyyyy. Relax ! things will get better's always this way. I want to do so many things. I want to make them possible, see them happen, make everyone proud, feel light and happy...that pure deep feeling. Achievement !